Lucille Enel : Administrator of China Art Management’s Blog
Lucille Enel has been working as a freelance art project consultant and manager since 2008.
Lucille lived and worked in China Mainland between 2005 and 2018, she is now based in France. After a few experiences working for art organizations, she started to work as a freelance project facilitator, providing consulting, mediation, and other projects services to professionals involved in the fields of art and culture who want to set up projects in or connected to China.
Lucille graduated from the University of Oriental Studies in Paris with a Bachelor Chinese Language and Civilization. She also has a Master’s in Cultural Project Management.
Since 1998, she has been to China many times for traveling, studying, and working in the art field. Through these experiences, she has acquired an excellent integration into the Chinese art scene. She is fluent in French, Chinese, and English.
露露(Lucille Enel)
Zhoulin Yu: Contributor of China Art Management’s Blog
余周麟从2012年7月至2013年7月当了 China Art Management 博客的合作撰稿人,以期为博客引入本土化的视角。余周麟现就读于中央美术学院艺术管理系,攻读博物馆学的硕士学位,对中国当代艺术活动既有学院式的学习思考,又有参与其中的切实经验,曾协助组织过大型国际学术活动,政府部门的调研项目,以及担任知名艺术家的私人助理等。余周麟2008年毕业于厦门大学法语系,并同时拥有广告学双学位。2008年作为国际交换生前往法国巴黎南特尔大学学习艺术史。熟练掌握中、法、英三门语言,同时具有多学科的训练背景,善于操作跨文化项目。